



showcase image

M. Aravinda Kumar


About myself

M. Aravinda Kumar pursuing his PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapur has over twelve years of academic and research experience in GokarajuRangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology. His Ph.D work is on Indian Literature, Short Stories of Ruskin Bond.

Aravind’s research interest is to derive the possible best ways to impart story reading as a quality in the professionals which would enhance the human skills therein to reach creative avenues in their professional and individual lives.

Aravind ispresently into Training & Placements team and is designated as Coordinator, Training & Placements. As a part of his job he liaisons with the institute’s students. He corresponds and communicates with the students about the various activities related to Training & Placements Cell. Liasioning with the employer guests, coordinating in arranging the logistics required for conducting placements activities, monitoring their hospitality needs is a part of his job routine. Coordinating with Dean Training, in designing training activities, communicating and liasioning with the training consultants, devising training schedules, taking care of the requirements for conducting training activities is another phase of his responsibility as the coordinator. He also takes care about the maintenance of training & placements data and preparation of statements that need to be communicated to various government and ranking agencies.

Aravind was also a lab in charge for English Language Lab and Communications Skills Lab. He has taken an active role in establishing and maintain the lab. He also played an active role in compiling lab manual of Business Communication and Soft Skills, the then lab manual for I B.Tech and Advanced English Communication Skills Lab manual for III B.Tech. He conducted lab external examiners of I B.Tech and III B.Tech English labs and coordinated various other engineering institutes in appointing external faculty members for conducting lab external examinations.

Office Room no:
Department of Humanities and Basic Science
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology
Bachupally, Hyderabad-500090

Curriculam Vitae

Educational Details

Pursuing PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu registered in 2017
Master of Arts, English Literature, Osmania University, 2003-2005
Bachelor of Arts, English, History, Political Science, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, 1994-1997
PG Diploma in Communicative English, University of Hyderabad-2006-2007

Professional Background

Visiting Lecturer for B. Pharmacy, English Courses, GokarajuRangaraju College of Pharmacy, 2008-2014
Resource Person for Employment Orientation Programme for Reddy’s Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.,
Conducted various external lab examinations for III B Tech and I B Tech in various engineering institutes

Administrative Experience

Coordinator, Training Placements Since 2016 till date.
Coordinator, Faculty of English 2005-2006.
Lab In charge, English Language Lab and Advanced English Communication Skills Lab since 2009-2015.

Courses Taught

English Prose for I B. Tech Students
English Language Lab for I B.Tech Students
Advanced English Communication Skills Lab, III B. Tech
Business Communication and Soft skill for I MBA


Professional Work

Seminars and Symposiums
